making you part of the family

Speak to an expert 01262 470810




We work within a lot of schools, colleges and universities, servicing, repairing and supplying their equipment mainly for their kitchens and produce storage areas, such as walk in freezers and fridges.

Due to working withing a busy environment where there could be a lot of students at any given time, we aim to carry our work out around the times suited towards our clients.

When carrying out work within all our educational authority clients we want to make sure that we do not disturb or interrupt their day to day procedures, which is why we always have a brief conversation to understand our clients needs.

Speak to one of our team today

01262 470810

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Choosing the right refrigeration or air conditioning units for your business can be confusing but no one understands these systems better than we do. We’re more than happy to have a chat to discuss your options and find the right solution for you.

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01262 470810